Monday, April 24, 2006

Spring fever

My two-week vacation is over. After a veritable orgy of golf and poker, I'm now a working stiff again. Since I'm finally working again, I'll have time to surf and find things to blog about.

On-line poker started to kick my ass regularly...I finally quit playing limit and I'm sticking to tournaments now. My game has a long way to go, but I feel like I'm making progress. Over the weekend, I won a two-table tournament and finished third in a three-table tournament. Played in an 18-person live tourney and came in second.

Anyway, check out my new music selection on the right. Great song for driving with the windows down and the volume cranked. But whatever you do, don't watch the video. The band looks like such dorks and the video is so lame that it'll ruin the experience of listening to the music.


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