Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hockey update

The regular season has ended for one of my teams - we finished 10-2-1, in first place. Playoffs start next week. Had a real nice win last night, 6-3, over the Angies, who beat us earlier in the season.

My other team is the exact opposite - we have a total of two wins. We had a nice showing against the first place team, but ended up losing 5-2 (goal and an assist for yours truly.) One more regular season game (loss) until that nightmare ends.

I have a real knack for annoying people while playing hockey. I had at least four people during my double-header last night that either whined to the refs about me, or tried to take me out themselves. I do play physically, but I've been an absolute angel. I haven't even been in the penalty box since my suspension.


At 10:27 AM, Blogger sparrowlegs said...

Angelic. That's the perfect one word description for Sweet Tea.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Sweet Tea said...

Nice. A troll found me. My readership has increased by 50%!

Mmmmm...quadruple cheeseburger.

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sparrowlegs said...
Angelic. That's the perfect one word description for Sweet Tea.

10:27 AM

That's exactly what I was thinking.


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