Monday, August 13, 2007

If I were 25 and single again...

I have a new crush.

I didn't realize that anyone dislikes Coldplay as much as I do...but it turns out that a 21-year-old girl in Seattle hates Coldplay with such vehemence that she was willing to get violent about it.

Shortly after an unsuspecting loser got up on stage at a Seattle nightclub to karaoke Coldplay's Yellow, my heroine reportedly told her friend, "Oh, no, not that song. I can't stand that song!"

She went after the falsetto crooner, saying that his "singing sucked" and that the song "fucking sucked". It took more than one club employee to drag her out onto the street, where the melee continued. An off-duty officer on the scene attempted to subdue her, and she headbutted him twice before he got the cuffs on.


If she's 250 and ugly, I don't want to know. In my mind, she's a knockout (sorry.)

Also, somehow I didn't hear about this Cramer video for 10 days. I don't always agree with what Cramer says - hell, I don't even know what he's talking about all the time - but I really admire his passion. Even if he's playing to the camera to some extent, you don't see a lot of other financial hosts on CNBC who take this kind of fiery stance. Rock on, Jim.


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