You go, Donald
Donald Trump was on the Howard Stern Show again this morning, and his interview provided a treasure trove of fantastic quotes. Here are some of the highlights, as I remember them:
- He called Bush the "worst president in history", who doesn't know what's going on around him, and said "he can't have much of an IQ, probably no IQ."
- He anointed Elizabeth Hasselbeck (sp?) from the View as the "dumbest person on television."
- He said Mark Cuban is "a loser who lives in one of my buildings in New York. I use him as an example when I give speeches...I say if Mark Cuban can make money, anyone can make money."
- More insults of Rosie O'Donnell, of course.
I love how most celebrities dance around questions, careful to avoid anything that could be construed as insensitive, and yet Mr. Trump is untouched by the ramificiations of his blatant honesty.
Good for him. I'm giddy with joy to see someone who's fantastically rich, a self-made man with no guilt about his wealth, a true capitalist, who isn't afraid to say what he really thinks about the face of the Republican Party. Too many of the ultra-rich are willing to look past Bush's idiocy, out of gratitude for his tax cuts.
One interesting observation he made about the upcoming election (and I'm paraphrasing liberally, since my recollection is far from perfect:)
It will come down to Rudy and Hillary. They are both good friends of mine, both really intelligent people, and both will be good for business.
I have to admit, that made me feel just a little bit better. Too bad more people in this country can't look past their parents' party to see the actual candidates, and make judgements based on the merits of the individual instead of the political machine that's adopted them.
While I agree that it is interesting to see a "celebrity" who is unafraid to speak his mind, I can't stand Trump.
Being vocal doesn't mean you have to be an ass.
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